How to Store Christmas Gifts

Hide Christmas Gifts

Where do parents hide Christmas gifts?

So you completed alot of your Christmas shopping during Amazon Prime Early Access sales and Target Deals Days. Now you are in dire need of storing these gifts until Christmas. Or on the flip side maybe you haven't started shopping yet. Let's discuss some ways to store items.

Assess your home

Where can you hide Christmas Gifts in your home? If you have kids this can be tricky because you don't want them to find the gifts. The list of potential storage places should ideally contain the gifts all in one place. It will make retrieval so much easier. Speaking from experience, I have had gifts I purchased earlier in the year reappear in February after searching for it all December to no avail. My top storage spaces are the basement and my closet.  Some non traditional places to consider hiding Christmas gifts if you lack larger storage spaces include your bedroom closet and your car trunk.

Store at relative’s home

This may go without saying however it is still very important to note- This relative needs to be a trustworthy and responsible person. Just because they are your sister, doesn’t mean they will keep your fits safe. If you go with this option, choosing someone who is responsible AND have a proper storage place is key. Someone who has a large house or a dry completed basement would be ideal so it would be out of plain sight and likely not bothered.

Purchase a plastic tub or two

Purchase a large storage tub that is NOT transparent to store gifts in. The container can go in whichever storage place you decide on and will keep all the gifts together for safe keeping. Bonus tip: Store with a shopping checklist*** taped to the lid so you can keep track of what you purchased and for who.

Use packing boxes

If you don’t want to buy storage containers and/or have children that are snooping, use packing boxes for everything. You can label the box with too small clothes and tape it up and put it in the basement or closet. The tape could also serve as tamper evidence if the kids decided to take a peek in the box you will easily know and put them on the naughty list. Using packing boxes is also a great idea for people with small spaces. You can temporarily store the gifts and when you have given the gifts away, you can recycle the boxes and not have to allow permanent space for storage bins. Bonus Tip: Don’t want to pay for storage boxes? Here’s how to gain free packing boxes. Call your local Target and ask to speak to the manager. Ask what days they receive shipments and when can you pick up some boxes after they unpack them. Help save the environment and your budget at the same time.

I have just one last parting tip for Christmas gift storage. Wait until closer to giving the gift to the recipient before wrapping the gift. This will help you save storage space by not smashing any bows or gift bags. Also it will prevent potential rips and tears that could cause you to have to reward the gifts.

Where do you hide your Christmas gifts?

***Do you have a shopping checklist to track all the gifts that you have purchase and need to purchase? I have a free checklist that I include with my guide Buy More, Pay Less, Save your Sanity. While you are in storage mode don't forget to get your Stay Ready Bin. What’s that you ask? It's a bin that will keep you organized and stress free this Holiday season. For more details on the Stay Ready Bin, a free Holiday shopping checklist, and other tips to make Holiday shopping easier, read my guide Buy More, Pay Less, Save your Sanity.