Five Nontraditional Thanksgiving Traditions
Although we are talking about how to make Thanksgiving different, one thing we must keep is the Thanksgiving ham!😋
What are typical Thanksgiving traditions? Eat, sleep, and be merry/ shop. Many people get excited about Auntie's famous Mac and cheese or a plate of chitterlings and as an afterthought you get to see family. But how do you make Thanksgiving different? Is it possible to be excited about the food and good fellowship? Let's discuss some new family traditions that you can do at home in order to implement a more meaningful Thanksgiving.
Invite a new “family”member
This isn't a new concept, unique idea nor considered a non-traditional Thanksgiving- it's more like a reminder. Life is short. Reach out to that family member you haven't seen in awhile and re invite them back to thanksgiving dinner. This is especially important to re-invite if the Thanksgiving house rotates or it can serve as a confirmation that it's still happening at Aunt Beatty’s house after all these years. Don't wait until its too late to reconnect with your family. If you know of someone who doesn't have family to visit for the holidays, invite them to dinner! You never know how hard the holidays can be for people who do not have a place to gather during the holiday
Bring a new dish
Wait! Before you burn me at the stake for suggesting a new dish- there are guidelines with this suggestion.
Keep bringing the dish you are known for- the way you are known for making it. No one wants to be surprised with a remixed dish. We looked forward to the Mac and cheese all year- don't spoil it with a mystery new ingredient. Bring the new dish IN ADDITION TO your other dish.
Don't bring a new dish if you can't cook. If you are on the paper products ministry, spice it up with a new pattern on the paper products.
Play a game
My hubby and I love a good game night. It's also a great way to have a good laugh and get to know your family a little better. I suggest taboo, Black Card revoked, and Apples to Apples. They are games that you can lay with a large group of people and a smaller group.
Share what you are grateful for
Chances are you haven't seen some of your family all year. This is a time to take a deeper dive about what happened all year. Did you get a new job? Did you start a new hobby? Now's the time to share fun facts and things that have happened that you are proud of. If you find yourself stumped, be grateful that you are still living and have a family to enjoy a meal with.
Do a service project as a family
There's more community service that you can do other than serving a soup kitchen. What are some activities/ crafts/hobbies that your family enjoys? Request that the family bring socks to donate to a local homeless center. Have one family member decorate a card. Another family member can write an affirmation on the card. Then attach the card to the socks with double sided tape. Another service project is to ask family members to purchase pieces of a craft kit to be assembled at Thanksgiving dinner. Everyone can make an assembly line to put together craft baskets with the items for low income families. These are just suggestions to start your mind thinking of a family community service project to work on during the holiday season. After you have laughed and shared what you are grateful for, spread the joy by doing something nice for a stranger.
Adding a new tradition to thanksgiving can help members look forward to the gathering. It can add more to thanksgiving other than just catching a case of the itis. This post is not a hint to get rid of all the old traditions you may have such as watching the Macy’s Day Parade or football- just a reminder that traditions begin with at least one Thanksgiving where something was done differently. Take a chance to add a unique Thanksgiving tradition to the routine because you never know, it could become your favorite tradition. Take this time to spread love and joy that can last this year until you meet again.
What is a new tradition that your family has started or will add this year?