The Five Things You Need In Your Trunk This Winter
Beanie begged to use the big shovel despite me suggesting to use her play shovel to build a snowman😩😂
The groundhog saw his shadow so we are getting 6 more weeks of winter.😩 Every time the groundhog sees his shadow I wonder- Can he check again? Is he sure it was his shadow? We have already had some harsh snow storms, negative temperatures and wintery mix so it is safe to say that even if we don't get six more weeks of winter, whatever time we have left will be rough. So are you truly ready for anything this frigid weather can throw at you? Below are 5 things every person and/or family needs to keep in the trunk for winter emergencies.
A Traction Aide and a Portable Shovel
This dynamic duo is a must have. It’s good to have in case you get stuck in a slick spot or you can help someone else- pay it forward. One night my hubby (then boyfriend) and I were heading to his apartment. The snow was coming down fast and hard. By the time we got to the driveway of his apartment complex, cars were getting stuck and couldn’t make it up the incline into the parking lot. A bunch of fellow college students were waiting at the entrance of the parking lot helping cars get into the parking lot. Most of the students were just out helping out because they wanted something to do since UC already said classes would be canceled-the whole apartment complex was thankful. They actually helped push the cars while in neutral up the slight incline. Luckily, we had a bag of salt to help ourselves and the cars behind us that were stuck. Moral of the story: Have a traction aid and a shovel in your trunk because you never know where you could get stuck. Although we didn't have a shovel, someone else did, which was part of the rescue tools.
Cheap tip: You can also use a bag of kitty litter as a traction aid. It can be cheaper than road salt if you are on a budget. If you have a cat you can easily check this item off the list. 😉
Extra Gloves/Mittens
These are crucial for multiple reasons. What if you need to clear snow off and around your car which causes your current gloves to be soaked? You get back in the car and still want gloves on your freezing hands but there is no point in continuing to wear cold, wet gloves. Since you are prepared 😉😉, you can just pop your trunk and grab a dry pair from the trunk. If you have little ones, it's impossible sometimes for them to keep up with a pair of gloves. On the off chance you have a tight schedule and realize one of your kittens is missing their mittens, all you have to do is go in the truck and get another pair. Target (linked below) has an inexpensive pack of gloves or mittens for both kids and adults which I buy that serve as backups and extras for the trunk.
I realize I’m the snack queen and there’s rarely a time I don't have a snack available, but the one place anyone should have guaranteed snacks is in the trunk. Putting some snacks in your trunk stash is not just for the worst case scenario of being stuck on I-95 for 27 hours😳 Imagine having to run an errand before coming home and you don’t have McDonald money-the signs of true adulthood is standing firm and passing multiple drive thrus with determination to eat your dinner at home. Just park by your errand, pop the trunk and grab a quick snack. I recommend a nut or trail mix and bottled water to help you stay satisfied and hydrated until you can get home for dinner. If you have some little ones I recommend breakfast bars, and a favorite snack item that is not too perishable (no fresh fruit- no one wants the smell of rotten fruit in their trunk) and bottled water.
Extra clothes/blanket
Extra clothes are a must. What if your kids have an accident on their clothes while you are at? Or you spill starbucks on your shirt and still have to go to a community meeting (anyone and everyone will know who you are) and not show up with stains. Go to the trunk and grab your neatly folded up spare clothes in the trunk. I want to emphasize the neatly folded because I don't want nobody mad at me because their spare clothes look like they slept in them. I would suggest a sweater and leggings or a thick activewear set since they are harder to get wrinkled. Also, add a blanket into the mix because it can keep you warm in an emergency and provide seating on the grass in the park on an unseasonably warm winter day. In Ohio, there is always a possibility that it can be -5 on Tuesday and 65 on Wednesday. Just be prepared either way to enjoy a spontaneous warm day.
Cell phone charger- portable and plug in
Regardless of the season, you ALWAYS need a charger for your car. This is even for those rare folks who claim they can function the whole day without a phone. Even if you aren't having an emergency, someone else could need to urgently contact you while you are off the grid. Most likely the need for a charger would be when you are out somewhere and you have only 20 percent but you want to scroll social media/check your email/play Wordle while waiting in line at (insert some place that usually is quick but isn’t today) and now you are trying to calculate the pythagorean theory over the square root of pie to figure out what things you can do on your phone and not cause the battery to die before you get home. Save yourself the pressure and have a car charger or a portable battery charger and cord handy.
Don’t let this be you next time something unplanned occurs😂
By now I hope you all noticed that these items listed have multiple purposes- not just I’m stuck on the side of the road and in dire need. Think of this list as an everyday solution to common kinks in the plan list. I have included links to items suggested in the link below from Target. You can add the items to your cart and have them ready for drive up pickup in 2 hours or less where you can order online within 2 hours or less and never leave your car.
You can find your winter survival kit here.👉🏾
In two hours you can drive up (they will bring to you) and claim your items. You’re Welcome😉