Its Not Too Late to Plan Your Year-5 Minute Goal Planning

mid year goal planning; second quarter

Update: Are you on track to complete your goals or New Year’s Resolutions for the year? We are halfway throughout the year, in the second quarter of the year and you may have missed the mark on some of the things that you wanted to accomplish. No worries, checkout my inital blog post for 5 minute goal planning to help get you back on track quickly.😊

Pull out your vision board and use it as a guide to select the one thing you select after reading the blog post below. If you haven’t created a vision board or wrote the plan out, it’s not too late and don’t feel any shame. Just follow along with the blog to develop your one goal for the year.

We are already 16 days into the new year and you have not created a New Year resolution, vision board or even thought deeply about one goal you want to achieve for the year. In addition you didn't clean the whole house before the New year (gasp) and you even missed National Vision Board Day last Saturday. Now you are ready to throw the whole year away. Or is that just me who feels that way?

Below is a quick way to get you back on track and not feeling overwhelmed by the laundry list of things to do in order to get your year started off right.

Take 5 minutes for yourself. Step away from everything. This might be easiest to do in the morning. Envision the one thing that you would be proud of on December 31,2021 if you completed that particular goal this year. Just. One. Thing. Fight the urge to list all the things. That is what caused the procrastination in the first place. What will really make you feel your best at the end of the year? Losing 30 lbs? New business? New hobby? Pick what makes you want to get your stance ready for the 99 and 00 to take over knowing you did it.

Once you have that one thing, think of the easiest thing you can do EVERY DAY to achieve that goal. So lets say it's losing 30lbs. Many suggest the first habit that is the easiest, is drinking more water. Rather it's drinking 8 glasses a day or half your body weight in water, either way you are likely to drink less sugary drinks and consume less calories. Bare minimum you will be too busy running to the bathroom to pee to unnecessarily snack on junk food. Start a New business? Do one action to every day open the business. Create the name, develop the product list, work on the website, etc.

Now let's schedule the one thing that you will do EVERY DAY. By scheduling, I mean having reminders where it helps. Add an alarm to your calendar, schedule a time on your planner, put a post on the bathroom mirror, etc. Whatever helps keep you accountable to yourself.

The idea is to start small in the hopes of snowballing until more habits and goals. Once you get something going, it can give you confidence to tackle harder goals and tasks. Later on the blog, I will talk about creating a post it note vision board for family and even self care. In the meantime, go make your 5 minute goal a reality.