3 reasons why you need to wake up early
I really just want to slide back under the covers.😩
I get it. You rather not hear from the self professed queen of the morning time about getting up early but hear me out. I too do not get up early enough. When you have tiny humans that regularly pop up at 7am with a list of demands, getting up early is a must. My goal is waking up at 5:30am CONSISTENTLY. Like on a daily basis and not just I had to pee at the crack of dawn and couldn't fall back asleep but intentionally rolling out of my layered bedding burrito and get moving. Yall its sooo early even for me but I feel much better about my day when my eyes pop open at this time. Here’s 3 reasons why you should beat the sunrise.
1.Get your mind right. Start the day in gratitude for a positive mindset. Mornings are truly the best time to get your whole life right. No one is going to be calling you at 6am unless it’s an emergency. No emails are pinging your phone at an insane rate. I don’t know about you but I need some quiet time with the Lord. I need some scriptures and devotions to help me conduct myself later in the day. When children start acting crazy, people outside your home start working your last nerve, you can refer back to the scripture for guidance. I like to refer back to the peaceful feeling of the morning when no tiny humans were yelling their demands at the top of their lungs and I could actually hear myself think. “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” (Philippians 4:8) Even if you are not Christian or any religion, you still need some quiet time to reflect and be grateful.
2.Self care time. This is all you playa. Do what makes your heart sing during this time when no one is bothering you. No one can take care of you like you can. You can’t pour from an empty cup. Everyone needs time for themselves. Whatever makes you happy- journaling, reading,knitting, etc - do more of that consistently. Tap into what rejuvenates you. Despite the pandemic causing you to spend most of your time indoors, put your clothes and makeup on. Even if you are going nowhere, look cute for yourself. I would say put on a bra but that might be taking it too far😂.
3. Accomplish one important/hard task for the day. This is where the common expression eat the frog comes into play. Do the one thing that may seem the hardest but it’s something you need to do. You will find that it wasn’t as difficult as you thought and it will give you the confidence you need to complete all the other tasks that may seem hard but need to be done. I've tried doing the easy tasks first but I notice I get more done and faster when I'm not just filling my day with the easy tasks which aids in the avoidance of the big task I don't want to handle.
So I dont say this lightly, getting up early means there will be a sacrifice involved- saying goodbye to the late hours. I also go to bed early, 9:30pm to be exact, in order to even be able to crack an eyelid. It sometimes means I have to catch my favorite show the next day. Today on the first day of March (for this whole month and following months), I am committing to getting up at 5:30am. I know once my newborn arrives this will change- I will be awake more hours than a zombie. I recognize the need to establish me time so that when my schedule becomes more hectic, I will already be in the habit of scheduling it. I will also be operating from a place of joy, peace, and overflow. The goal is to always pour lemonade, not lemons from your pitcher of life.